
Can a Rooftop HVAC Unit Damage a Roof?

Rooftop HVAC units are an increasingly popular addition to many commercial buildings and even new homes. But, there’s a downside to having them as well. When your HVAC system is located on the roof of your building, it’s subject to more wear and tear than when it’s located indoors. If your roof is damaged by […] Read More

Advantages and disadvantages of metal roofing

We have already written about the difference between asphalt shingles and metal roofs, but now we will go a little deeper into the topic to explain the advantages and disadvantages of metal roofs compared to other materials so that you, our clients, can consider all factors and make the right decision that meets your needs […] Read More

Winter Roofing Repair and Installation: Is it possible?

“Can roofing be done in winter?” is a common question for roofing companies and their contractors. Some homeowners face damage on the roof and find themself in a panic wondering what to do now and if it’s possible to fix the roof in cold weather. Well, the answer is simple – YES, of course, it’s […] Read More

How to Remove Moss from Roof

Your roof overgrown with thick moss can make your home look like it’s straight from a fairytale. Aside from that, moss on your roof can only degrade the shingles and do damage to the entire roof. Moss acts like a sponge, constantly absorbing moisture from its surrounding. You can save your roof from moss if […] Read More

How Often Should Gutters Be Cleaned

One of the many backyard responsibilities homeowners have is cleaning the gutters. The most important question is – how often should I clean my gutters? The short answer is: pretty often. This, of course, depends on where the person lives and what foliage they have near their house. Our experts who install and repair gutters […] Read More