serving others

Imagine waking up every day and serving others. At work, you keep people safe and inspire the next generation. At home, you provide for, teach, and love your family. Then, you seek out those who need help in your community and volunteer your time and energy to care for them. Imagine, after giving so much of yourself day after day for years, you find your world is starting to cave in on you. Or, at least, your roof is.

This was the situation for Robert and Margaret Jones. Now in their 80s, this beautiful Detroit couple has lived in their home for many decades. After retiring from a long career in the police and water departments, raising two children in their loving home, and helping countless others in the community, storms – both figurative and literal – started to hit them, one after the other, threatening the home and life they love. Roofing Above All could not stand by while they struggled with roof removal and roof replacement. 

After years of hard work, Robert learned that he was not eligible for 14 years’ worth of retirement pay that he had anticipated. Not only this, but health problems were mounting. Major heart surgery and vision impairment, among other limitations, mean that Robert is no longer able to care for their home the way he used to. Full-time caregiving and her own recent health struggles mean elevated stress and a very full plate for Margaret. So when their home was severely damaged, leading to a leaky roof, it was beyond their resources and abilities to address the roof replacement cost independently. Robert and Margaret were not sure where help would come from. 

the jonesses

Roofing Company in Detroit Provides Community Service to Family in Need of Roof Installation

Ridgecon | Roofing Above All was more than happy to step in and provide a little relief by doing what we do best – roof installation. The highest quality roof replacement was just the beginning. Roofing Above All always goes above and beyond. This was no exception. This generous couple, who is still actively helping as many as they can, deserved nothing but the best. So, we included new gutters and trim as well. We knew this would mean a lot to them. They said, “We want to add to the neighborhood and not take away from it.” They care about their home. They care about their neighborhood; like Roofing Above All, they care most about people. We are so happy the Joneses have one less thing to worry about. 

replaced roof for detroit family

Watch the full-length feature story – Meet The Joneses.